week twenty eight + twenty nine

Books Read:
43. The Strange Case of Rachel K — Rachel Kushner
44. Injun — Jordan Abel

Kilometres Ran:
these weeks — 91.87
to date — 1,050.67

The Flamethrowers is still one of my favourite reads of the past couple years so I thought that I would pick up this small collection of short stories (three stories in all) from Rachel Kushner and I expected some autobiographical or perhaps something along the lines of personal creative non-fiction but no. Don’t judge a book by its title either, it seems, as –spoiler (not really, not really at all)– Rachel K is not Rachel Kushner. At all. Cuba and colonialism and some other stuff. Not bad. Not near The Flamethrowers. Alas. And then there was Jordan Abel who is a rock star and one not just one of my favourite artists living and working in Vancouver but also one of the most nicest people I have the privilege of calling acquaintance. Which means we’re friends on social media AND we have met IRL and had friendly conversation that included beverages. That’s my standard that I just made up just now. Oh and his book is really great and you should get it and read it. Contrary to a few haters, conceptualism is not dead.
week twenty eight nine
I was out running and thinking, as I’m prone to do, and it occurred to me that it was just a little over a year ago that I had never in my life run farther than 10 kilometres. This think-and-run was just over 16 km and was my 80th run of 2016 and put my distance-to-date at 1,006.12 km. It’s been a while since I’ve run less than 10 km. My average right now sits at 12.57 km per run. This is my humble brag. I’m impressed with this change I’ve made in my life, amongst others. I’m about three weeks behind where I’d like to be in my goal, but it definitely seems achievable. This makes me happy. As I ran along the Seawall I passed a couple running by the Stanley Park totem poles. The guy asked, Do you live here? Me, Yeah. He, This is amazing. You get to run here all the time? You’re so lucky. Me, Yeah I am.

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