2018 week forty three

Book Read:
48. R’s Boat — Lisa Robertson

Kilometres Ran:
week forty three: 5.4

To date: 2,166 KM

A short book for a short post after what felt like a long week. I moved in the summer and when I unpacked my books I put them on my shelves with neither rhyme nor reason and so since I have so much time on my hands not being able to do much of any running I decided to do some arranging and in the process I realized that I hadn’t yet read this Robertson collection yet so I read it and it was, no surprise, very good in spite of maybe of the concepts and allusions going way over my head.

Trust me this is not the face of like.

I squeezed in a few commutes and a longer ride on my bike this week, including a highly not recommended stretch along the Upper Levels Highway between Horseshoe Bay and West Van. No thank you. And then today I ran or the first time since the Victoria Marathon and it wasn’t great. I rode a Mobi bike down to the Seawall and started out at Sunset Beach towards Stanley Park. It hurt immediately and I could feel how my fitness has slipped already. I felt very stiff in my quads and hips. I walked a couple times along the way out to Third Beach and then back to the Mobi bike station at the Second Beach pool for a five-and-a-bit jaunt in just under half an hour, then took a bike most of the way back home. By the end of the run I’d loosened up a bit but it was still rather painful and I was feeling very slow, and yet not out of breath. Since the run I’ve noticed that my knee feels fine (except for climbing stairs) and I find that encouraging in spite of the ample discouragement I felt through the first three kilometres of the run. At physio on Friday I was feeling very frustrated and said that maybe I am just going to have to live with the fact that as much as I love running it is going to hurt me now. My physiotherapist disagreed. I want to believe her while all signs point to otherwise. Next weekend is the Fall Classic and I will not be running at all. But I get those nice new RunVan socks so there’s that….