Book Read:
48. R’s Boat — Lisa Robertson
Kilometres Ran:
week forty three: 5.4
To date: 2,166 KM
A short book for a short post after what felt like a long week. I moved in the summer and when I unpacked my books I put them on my shelves with neither rhyme nor reason and so since I have so much time on my hands not being able to do much of any running I decided to do some arranging and in the process I realized that I hadn’t yet read this Robertson collection yet so I read it and it was, no surprise, very good in spite of maybe of the concepts and allusions going way over my head.
I squeezed in a few commutes and a longer ride on my bike this week, including a highly not recommended stretch along the Upper Levels Highway between Horseshoe Bay and West Van. No thank you. And then today I ran or the first time since the Victoria Marathon and it wasn’t great. I rode a Mobi bike down to the Seawall and started out at Sunset Beach towards Stanley Park. It hurt immediately and I could feel how my fitness has slipped already. I felt very stiff in my quads and hips. I walked a couple times along the way out to Third Beach and then back to the Mobi bike station at the Second Beach pool for a five-and-a-bit jaunt in just under half an hour, then took a bike most of the way back home. By the end of the run I’d loosened up a bit but it was still rather painful and I was feeling very slow, and yet not out of breath. Since the run I’ve noticed that my knee feels fine (except for climbing stairs) and I find that encouraging in spite of the ample discouragement I felt through the first three kilometres of the run. At physio on Friday I was feeling very frustrated and said that maybe I am just going to have to live with the fact that as much as I love running it is going to hurt me now. My physiotherapist disagreed. I want to believe her while all signs point to otherwise. Next weekend is the Fall Classic and I will not be running at all. But I get those nice new RunVan socks so there’s that….