week zero

According to this fancy over-sized Moleskin calendar here January 1st through 3rd is Week 53 of 2015 and it seems fitting that I should start this in a state of limbo. Yes, I use an analogue calendar.

Last year was my first crack at the 95 Books challenge, and I failed rather miserably, ending up with a paltry 61. It started well enough but towards the end of summer and into autumn I slowed considerably. I have excuses that I’ll not belabour here.

I’ve never considered myself a “runner” and never really desired to become one but somehow it happened, or at the very least I acknowledged that it happened. I’ve been running non-committally for a couple years now but never considered myself a “runner” not until the autumn, I think, when I realized that I was running three or four or five days a week and rarely less than 10 to 12 kilometres per run. I guess I’m a runner now. I still suffer from impostor complex.

Sometime between Christmas and New Year’s Day I got spammed by Map My Run, the Under Armor scam site disguised as a free running tool that I fell for once for a frustrating hour or so before logging off but neglecting to unsubscribe. The email challenged me to run 1,000 kilometres in 2016 and of course use its tool to track my progress and WIN PRIZES! and it made me think about seemingly simple/attainable goals that are actually rather ridiculous in practice. Like reading 95 books in a year.

I did some math and decided that if I was going to be able to read 95 books in one year I should be able to run at least 2,000 kilometres in that same year. Logic be damned! Hell, I’d already signed up to run two half marathons in 2016–I’m virtually 2.11 per cent there already. Plus I’m at least half way though my first novel.

So for 2016 I’m going to read 95 books, run 2,000 kilometres, and write about my progress on here.

The arbitrary disclaimer: I’m going to write thoughts, impressions and opinions about the books I read. These are my thoughts, impressions and opinions. They won’t always be positive, but they’ll be honest, and mine. It’s okay not to like something.

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