week twenty six

Books Read:
40. Oryx and Crake — Margaret Atwood

Kilometres Ran:
this week — 33.52
to date — 917.23

For the life of this journal I’ve posted books that I’ve read and I’ve linked them to where you can buy them and I always try to link back to the publisher especially since a lot of what I read comes from small presses and they deserve the tiny, utterly insignificant amount of traffic that I might in some parallel universe provide. And sometimes I read a book that really doesn’t need any help. Like this one. So I’ve decided that when I post such a title, from now on I’ll like to a good indie/used bookstore and you’ll have to click the link to see which one. But don’t worry, there’s no chance that we’re going to crash any websites with this little endeavor. And I’ll always set to open in a new tab, because websites that don’t do that are jerks. Yeah especially you, Wikipedia. I said last week that I was looking forward to reading Basma Abdel Aziz’s The Queue but instead I read Oryx and Crake and saved The Queue for next. I really liked this book and I’m interested in continuing the series. I thought Jimmy/Snowman was likeable. I did not like how things unfolded with Jimmy and Oryx and Crake at the end of the book; it felt rushed or something, and unfulfilling. Like when I finally finished the main storyline in Fallout 4 today and sort of went, huh, put down the controller and started reading The Queue.
week twenty six
I spent the long weekend visiting family in Victoria, which meant another 10 kilometre jaunt by Beacon Hill Park and out along The Breakwater around the lighthouse at the end and then back to Clover Point. And on Canada Day no less. I expected a nightmarish crowd of people, but the weather wasn’t all that great, so the strollers were rather thin. I never noticed before that the beach below the Terry Fox Mile Zero monument is named for Steve Fonyo. It doesn’t ever show up on Google Maps. I just noticed a little sign as I ran down Waterfront Trail. I don’t know why that’s significant. It probably isn’t.