forty two by forty two week one

Books Read:
…some architecture stuff…

Kilometres Ran:
week ten — 73.7

To date: 563 km

Other than some architecture stuff around my course and an architecture book that SC lent to me and the odd article in the New Yorker and Playboy I haven’t read much of anything. I was sort of disappointed that Playboy went nude again. Fortunately, it has retained its clean layout and design, but I don’t quite understand why it felt it needed to go back to bare. The course I’m taking is very interesting and much more course-y than I expected. I’m enjoying it, and just like real school I’m already well behind. It’s ten weeks, but I have a year to complete. I won’t take a year. I also won’t make it anywhere near 95 books this year. Not at this pace.
Pacing is the issue. Thus ends week one of marathon training. SC introduced me to Hal Higdon (no not actually introduced me jeeze) while I was looking for training plans. The appeal of the one I chose is that all the technical mumbo-jumbo is nadda. It’s an 18 week plan, but week nine was pretty close to the same as what I’d done last week so it seemed reasonable to jump in. Plus I wouldn’t need to learn WTF a tempo and a fartek is. Maybe one day. Today was long run day, and until probably yesterday I did not know that LSD means something far different to people that run. And I’m not very good at it. Following Hal’s advice I tried to stick to a pace of around 5:30/km but ended up being quite a bit quicker: 5:16/km over 30.6 km (19 miles), which on one hand I was rather pleased about since I’d never run more than 25 km before today, but on the other hand I’m really trying to follow the training plan…something that I am not very good at in any situation, running or otherwise. Next week I’m staring down 80 km with a 32 km run on Sunday and already there’s a part of me that wants to do the 32 at 5:10.