untitled 7/23

Books Read:
22. The Mood Embosser — Louis Cabri
23. Why I am not a Feminist — Jessa Crispin
24. The Year of the Flood — Margaret Atwood

Kilometres Ran:
week twenty seven — 100.5
week twenty eight — 65.2
week twenty nine — 62.4

To date: 1,681 km

Three weeks ago I sort of lamented the fact that I’ve read only 21 books over the first half of 2017 and here I am reporting that since then I’ve managed to fumble my way through a book of poetry. It’s good poetry though. But I’m a Cabri fan. This is his first book. It very political. There are glimmers of his later work here and there. I definitely like his more recent stuff better, but it’s worth reading. I’ve commented previously that this year seems to be the year of reading dystopian post-apocalyptia and so after a short break from that I’ve fallen back into it as I wade through Crispin’s manifesto. I mean Atwood’s second piece in the MaddAddam Trilogy. My goal by week thirty is to maybe hopefully possibly have both books finished. It could happen.

I finished June and started July running nine days straight, which I think is a record for me, and completed my first 100 kilometres in a week. I was feeling pretty proud of myself that Sunday afternoon when I probably should have been writing something about it here but instead I was reliving my 100 km glory on Strava when in my feed a saw that another runner who lives just down the street, let’s call her Audree, had run 50 miles. On Saturday.