Czech Vacation

Books Read:

Kilometres Ran:
week twenty — 26
week twenty one — 40.8

To date: 1,155 km

I didn’t read anything because we were too busy walking around 20 kilometres per day in Prague, Kutna Hora and Brno in the Czech Republic looking at stuff and by the end of the days I was either too tired or too Pilsnered to feel like settling into a book. Not on the trains. Not even on the planes.

I ran though. In Prague. The daytrip to Kutna Hora did not allow for a run, and the couple-daytrip to Brno I didn’t bring along my running gear and I wish that I would have.

Not a lot of people running in Prague, which didn’t really surprise me. But a lot of people running in Brno, which did surprise me. Brno was very cool. I liked it there a lot.

SC and me were contemplating whether we like Brno so much because we were there just long enough to see cool stuff and didn’t really have a chance to get bored. But regardless we agreed that the new rule is any place for over 24 hours and the running gear has to come along. I think that’s a good rule.

I ran five times in Prague, and each run was around six and a half kilometres and I was a bit concerned that I was going to lose it and what with the Scotiabank Half coming up in four weeks from when we got home so I went out and ran a half for good measure and Strava says it’s my second fastest half so I think I’m okay.

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