
Books Read:
9. In Persuasion Nation — George Saunders

Kilometres Ran:
week seven — 53.4
week eight — 68.3

To date: 434 km

I lent someone my copy of Tenth of December and I cannot for the life of me remember who. I thought that I remembered who but I asked her and she does not remember borrowing it, which doesn’t necessarily mean that she didn’t or and that I didn’t but it also got me to thinking that maybe I didn’t lend it to anyone and maybe my copy was an epub copy and not a physical copy at all. My copy of Persuasion Nation is an epub copy. I really liked Tenth so I thought that I would really like Persuasion but I didn’t really like I just liked it. It was good. It didn’t make me want to stop reading Saunders or anything. Yet I’ve been having trouble finding motivation to read much of anything lately. I do spend a lot of time on the sofa listening to music and just thinking about stuff. And the clock just seems to spin.

Strava says third best half at 1:45:14. Doppelgänger says that’s what you get for being social.

I am not bored with running, though I still only run three or four days per week. But I’ve been running longer on those three or four days. In lieu of the canceled Vancouver First Half, Forerunners hosted a social half marathon on February 18. It took a little bit of sitting on the sofa listening to [probably Underworld] and pondering the mysteries of the universe to persuade me to participate. I’ve written many times about my solitary-itude when it comes to running. But I did it, and I’m glad that I did. I even *gasp* talked to people while I was running. I blame being social (though it could have very well been the stopping for water around kilometre 15) that I failed to post a new PR, but I had a good time and I ran a route that I’ve only sort of run once before — the route follows parts of the Scotiabank Half route. And I learned that running down hill (obviously forgot after last year’s Scotiabank) absolutely destroys my quads and maybe I need to do some hill training or something. I’ve been saying that for about a year now…. So I didn’t post a new PR, but I learned something and had a good time. Also, beat my Scotiabank time, so there’s that too. So now the lingering thought, do I persuade myself to up my BMO Half to the full marathon. I turn 42 in June, and I’ve been thinking that running 42 the year that I turn 42 would be, I dunno, interesting? I checked the other days, and I have until mid-April to persuade myself, and put down the $70 race registration change fee. I think I need to decide sooner than that.